Customs formalities while entering or leaving Belarus
♦ import goods which are subject to customs payments:
goods worth over EUR 1500 ( for air travel — EUR 10 000), or over 50 kg;
alcoholic drinks and beer more than 3 liters per one person who has reached the age of 18 years;
indivisible goods (Indivisible goods for personal use are the goods for personal use the total weight of which is more than 35 kg consisting of one unit or one set of goods in disassemle, unassemble, incomplete or unfinish form, given that the goods have primary qualities of assembled, complete or finished articles. Completeness can be defined on the basis of information submitted by the manufacturer, seller or sender of the goods on the labels, products passport, guarantee coupons packing lists and other documents, based on conventional (traditional) application of such product or set of goods which is fit for their functional purpose);
♦ import goods in respect of which the prohibitions and (or) the restrictions to import are set;
♦ import Belarusian rubles, foreign currency, traveler's checks in the total amount exceeding 10 000 US dollars and (or) securities. Full amount must be declared.
♦ have unaccompanied baggage (including, if the luggage or its part did not arrive) or products arrived at the consignment or dispatch of express delivery.
♦ wish to declare imported goods.
♦ import goods, which may be exempt from customs payment only with presentation of relevant documents (such as documents about resettlement to permanent residence, getting goods in the inheritance, re-importation of goods previously exported from the Republic of Belarus, etc.)
♦ import vehicles.
Customs declaration and moving on the “red” channel ( “red” corridor) of vehicles registered in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation are not required.
Departure from the Republic of Belarus
export goods, prohibited or restricted for export.
export Belarusian rubles, foreign currency, traveler's checks in the total amount exceeding 10 000 US dollars and (or) securities. Full amount must be declared.
want to declare exported goods.
export vehicles.
Find more details on the official web-page of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus.